Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pangea Day

I just wanted to share with everyone my experience with Pangea Day. It's unfortunate that more of us couldn't go. It really was spectacular! 

Last Saturday, I returned to New York for Mother's Day and to see some friends. I went to Pangea Day at a smaller venue, near Union Square, with an old friend from high school who studies at NYU. There were perhaps 20 or so of us sitting around on couches, letting our senses drown in the historical moment. Although the other 18 viewers were strangers, we all shared laughter and tears (I apologize for the sentimentality and Hallmarky descriptions), which made me realize just how accurate Jehane Noujaim's vision (of fostering compassion through films) was.

The films (which can be viewed at were divided into ten categories: Universals, Love, Dreams, Borders, Tears, Us/Them, Fear, Anger, Laughter, and Reconciliation. The Laughter segment included a universal laugh led by Laughter Club founder, Dr. Padan Kataria. The Club's eponymous short film showed the power of laughter as therapy, and was certainly convincing! The last hour of Pangea Day was the culmination, with speakers like Queen Noor of Jordan and Jehane Noujaim herself, of the day. It attempted to emphasize peace and reconciliation for the future of the world. 

Here are the links to two of my favorite films, "Sili" and "Stille Post," respectively:

Hope you all have great weekends!

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