Saturday, May 24, 2008

Human System and Corporation Struction

Human system and corporation structure
--Mini project 3 Creative Mind works

Human is a complex structure; the human body consists different biological systems, Each organ system has its own task individually, each carries out a different function; in the human body, every organ system has to work collaboratively to maintain the body homeostasis. No single system can do the job alone, any malfunction or delay in one system is likely to affect the whole system. Human has a well-adapted organizational model internally, where it requires collaborative and continuous individual and teamwork to sustain life. Human body can be used as a model to look at business and organization.

The major biological systems in the body are circulatory system, digestive system, endocrine system, immune system, nervous system, respiratory system, skeletal system and urinary system. Each system represents a team, just like a company or a corporation is consist of many departments; each team has many players that take on different roles to work together to serve the same mission.
In the human anatomy, both nervous system and circulatory system are equally important. The circulatory system is composed of the heart and blood vessels. The heart is the key organ not only to the circulatory system, but also to the entire human body. If the heart stops pumping blood to the body, it is lethal to the person. However the central nervous system plays a parallel role as well where it consists of the brain and the spinal cord. Brain is an extremely complex structure, and plays a fundamental role in behavior. It receives information from all parts of body through nervous system, relays the information and tells the body how to act. On the other hand, a severe brain injury will lead to vegetative state where there is completely loss in cognitive function. Although breathing and circulation remain relatively intact, the patient lost the higher brain functions.

In the company, shareholders and CEO have the same tasks as heart and brain in the human body respectively. The shareholder are the ones make investment to the company, are the financial support. It is like the heart of the company, where their initial investments are the foundation of the company in the early development. As the essential role of heart is to sustain life, the investors are there to help to establish the company, to aid the company to cope with financial problem, and provide funding for research and development.

When the company has been established, a leader—the CEO needs to be chosen to manage the company. The CEO with his/her management team is the brain in the company, where they are in charge of the entire management of a company. The CEO will oversee the company, he/she has to replay all the information from different departments, collect feedbacks, integrate them and make decisions based on the overall performance of the company. As well the management team has to command each department to do its task by the most effective way. Without the heart, life cannot be sustained, even with a brilliant brain; company cannot be operated with a financial deficit. At the same time, even with a functional heart, if the CEO is not willing to adapt new skills, new concepts, there is no effective leadership, the company will go into the vegetative state, where the company will still run, but with no further progress compared to previous period. Eventually competitors will grow faster and take over the market, there will result in a major brain damage; the company will collapse eventually.

Reproductive system is a system of organs that work together to serve the function of reproduction. During reproductive cycle in human, males are continuously contributing mature sperms throughout their life, however even female are going through menstrual cycle every month, a mature egg is only released and fertilized with the sperm when there is a perfect environment. If there is no successful reproduction, there is no more generation; the family line will be ceased. This process is linked to the research and development in the company. In the fast growing industry, the company has to work continuously on the product or on a project, to do market research in order to revise their design and make new products by seeking what customers need. Only when it is the right time, the management team will introduce the new product into the market, or make a change of the existing one. This team needs to closely cooperate with investors, to convince that the product has a potential to make a profit. This team requires creative thinking and innovative ideas to improve the current operation and enhance the future performance and returns.

An immune system is also an essential system in the human body, where it is a defense organization that protects against disease. It can be passive or active. The legal department in the company works in a way similar to this system. In human, immunization is often required shortly after birth to prevent disease. Whereas in company, prior to establishment of company, a set of regulations and contracts need to be made in order to let the company run under control, prevent major riot and chaos. When the company has encountered with legal matters, the legal department will act as active immunity to fight with the invading bacteria or virus, using their legal rights to protect their patents and the benefits of the company.

Overall, human system is a great analogy to represent each important contributor to the company, the shareholder is the heart, the CEO is the brain, the R&D management is the reproductive system, and the legal department is the immune system that fights with the legal matter in the company. Among all the system, all the parts are important, and they are interconnected with each other. They work both independently and collaboratively to improve the performance of the cooperation, to make the company run smoothly and effectively. The good management will increase the efficiency and profitability of cooperation; as a result, it will make a big contribution to the economy.

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