Sunday, May 18, 2008

executive summary

Executive summary
Megatrends 2010: The rise of Conscious Capitalism

This book by Patricia Aburdene is an awesome tool for what is coming in the 21st century. Everybody reading this book will learn a lot in terms of how the business is changing. In the 20th century, managers were mostly concentrating their efforts on increasing shareholders wealth. In the 21st century, the managers still have to consider this, however other concepts are emerging and are bringing different challenges to them. This book speaks a lot about how the old capitalism must be changed toward a more conscious capitalism. The essential message that comes from the book is simple and very clear: every one in the society can have the power to heal the capitalism, but on the other hand, we have to be aware that capitalism has the power to change the world. As we enjoy controlling everything around us, the book gives us different ways to redirect ourselves in what will succeed, according to the author, in the 21st century.
This book is really different from other books because it highlights the fact that things are now changing so fast that spirituality and consciousness are becoming really important. Many managers want to succeed so badly that they take decisions without thinking them through. This book brings questions like: How can you control your environment if you can not even manage your own thoughts and emotions? In other words, how do you rule the world without first mastering yourself? The book gives answers to those questions and it explains that the way to reach efficient leadership is by self-mastery. It also gives us example and advices to get to the self-mastery. The best way to achieve that concept is by spiritual practice. The time you spend in peaceful reflection or mindful meditation clarifies thought, sharpens intuition and curbs unhealthy instincts. According to the author, if managers do that they will take better decisions for their entire system and not only for the shareholders. The text also gives examples of studies highlighting the fact that the best employees are attracted to companies that fulfill the deep, personal needs for meaning while making contributions to society beyond the profit motive. Most of the companies cited in Megatrends 2010 try as hard as they can to implement the power of consciousness, the concepts of values and Spirit. In the book, there are examples of speeches made by CEOs stressing the fact that a corporation grows at his best when a high performance culture is already established.

I really think this book is significant for the 21st century professionals, leaders, society and for the world. That book shows another perspective of the business and this perspective is meant to bring people following it to the top. Leaders, managers, organizations and people should use this book if they do not want to miss the trends of the 21st century. This book goes through seven megatrends that will mark the 21st century. I will summarize each of them for you.

1. The Power of Spirituality: In the book when the author talks about spirituality, she is not making allusion to God. She refers about concepts like meaning or purpose, compassion, consciousness, service and well being. According to her, when these concepts are respected, people are focusing more on communication and conversation. CEOs and managers need to understand these concepts because that brings people to operate together, understand each other and create value. When people focus on spirituality, they do not need to be right nor need to defend themselves nor waste chances to generate positive results. That is the most important thing: not to waste any innovative thinking.
2. The Dawn of Conscious Capitalism: This megatrend is all about the moral companies that are making efforts to be socially responsible. By making these efforts, the corporation earns financial success in ways that respect ethical values, people, communities and natural environment. In the 21st century, corporation must be conscious of how their actions impact their constituencies. For sure these companies are worried about shareholders profit, but at the same time they are concerned about the community, women, minorities, employees, environment, non-US stakeholders as well as customers. Being socially responsible also helps for the reputation of a company. 3M, General Mills, Proctor and Gamble and Motorola are all examples of socially responsible companies. If the company respects the concept of conscious capitalism, sooner or later it should be part of the best one.
3. Leading from the middle: This new megatrend means to get your inspiration from your heart. When CEOs and managers have to lead a group meeting, the 21st century trends advise them to speak from their heart and to encourage topics to emerge. This section of the book explains how acting with spirit can create positive environments and positive results. It also shows different types of leadership in the 21st century. According to the author, to be a good leader, a CEO or a manager should show commitment, use the strengths of their relationships, turn enemies into allies, and be the change they want to see. One thing is sure, it is not easy to be a good leader and it requires huge efforts.
4. Spirituality in Business: Once again this megatrend is there to give more resources to the managers of the 21st century. Problems are becoming more complex and people need fresh mind to find solutions. This section of the book highlights the tremendous benefice of spiritual meetings in the business. As an example, managers of the 21st century are setting up rooms where people can talk about being spiritual or talk about business. Being spiritual in business is now so important that even MBA programs offer spiritual courses. In that kind of course students can learn a lot about creativity and personal mastery. CEOs have to understand that the 21st century is the time of innovation and creativity. To achieve this, spirituality sessions are needed.
5. The values-driven consumers: This megatrend explains what drives consumers’ purchases. In the 21st century, the market for values-driven commerce from organic food and eco-tourism to Earth-friendly appliances and alternative medicine will become the biggest markets. Thus, I think it is worth to concentrate our research on this emerging market. Conscious consumers are often categorized as LOHAS (lifestyles of health and sustainability). The LOHAS market is comprised of five sectors: the sustainable economy, the healthy living, the alternative healthcare, the personal development, and the ecological lifestyles. So in the 21st century, CEOs and managers will not reach consumers with demographics, income or psychographics aspects, they reach them by working with their values and lifestyles.
6. The wave of conscious solutions: This megatrend is definitively the most reasonable conclusion to have in the 21st century. For example, if the manager of a company puts so much effort in being spiritual and conscious and wants the same attitude from its employees, he will find conscious solutions for sure. Everything is going in the same way. Spiritual and conscious businesses, spiritual and conscious managers, spiritual and conscious meetings bring the wave of conscious solutions. These conscious solutions emerging are taking into account all the people involved as well as all the environmental aspects. That brings to a better world.
7. The socially responsible investment boom: In the 21st century, a rational investment is to invest in socially responsible companies. CEOs and managers must look and research at companies that care about their effect on the world and not just about shareholders profit. In the 21st century, you have to ask yourself a question before you invest. Which companies stand out as the world’s leaders both in terms of sustainability and financial strength? Definitively, you will have to base your research about companies in this way. More and more people want a sustainable world and they also want the corporation to become sustainable. Companies that are not improving in that direction will lose a lot in terms of reputation and market share.
Finally, I want to say that going through this book was a complete rational experience. I reflect on many new ideas that I did not know before and I seriously think that will help me so much in my future career. This book allowed me to know new concepts like the spirituality in business that is now so important because of the complexity of the problems we are facing. This spirituality makes us innovative and creative employees. There is also the concept of values-driven consumers that attracted my attention. I used to think about the target market in terms of geographic area or in terms of demographic aspects. Therefore, the 21st century market is more reachable if we work on the values and on the lifestyles of our clientele. Also, there is the socially responsible investment boom that I really enjoyed reading about. This concept gives you another point of view about what will drive the investment world in the 21st century. Investing your money in a company that is socially responsible is like participating in a sustainable world. Since the 21st century is based on sustainability, the socially responsible companies will win a lot in terms of reputation and market share. I want to finish by saying that the book of Patricia Aburdene is a must for the 21st century CEOs and managers. Everyone who has the time to read the entire book will benefit a lot from it. As an advice, if your business is not going well, turn yourself towards the Megatrends 2010: The Rise of Conscious Capitalism.
Benoit Arsenault

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